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Ready to travel!

I'm all packed and took the day off from work to head to the Sonesta Resort on Hilton Head Island with some blogger girls. My friend Krista organized the trip for the girls to get away and I'm really excited. I've never been to Hilton Head before so I'm excited to explore and very excited for the warmer temperatures. 

It's looking like it'll be around 60 degrees... compared to the 10-20 degrees in Pittsburgh, this will feel like a tropical oasis! Check out what I've packed by scrolling above...I've packed my Jacks as wishful thinking! 

Follow along on Instagram as I'm sure I will be posting a bunch! I'm so excited to see Katie, Danielle and Krista again because I haven't seen them since September, and I'm excited to meet Sarah! It should be a fun trip! Have a fabulous weekend!


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