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Neon pink with blue holographic glitter bars by Claire's Accessories

Gooooooooooooood afternoon peeps. I hope you've had a marvellous weekend? I certainly have. Bf and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary last night with a very special treat; a 10 course starter menu at Purnells, a v. swanky restaurant in the centre of Brum. It was insanely good and included a course called 'emotions of cheese'; yes, it sounds pretentious, but I have to admit I felt very emotional when I ate it. In order, those emotions were 

1) greed (I wish the portion size was bigger)
2) happiness (Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh it's sooooo cheesey) 
3) sadness (Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy does it have to be over, I miss you so much cheesy goodness!) 

Anyhoo, wine was consumed and so my nails today are very low key and easy because doing nail art might be a bit tricky! This manicure is simply a neon pink polish covered with an amazing blue holographic bar glitter - bright! 

The pink polish is one I got free with a teen mag - it's everything you'd expect from a free polish; smelly, slow drying and streaky. But a blooming GREAT colour lol. The glitter is by Claire's and is brilliant, if a little tricky to apply. It required a lot of fishing and placing, but I think it's worth it.

I have previously ranted about Claire's polishes not being named BUT the lovely (and incredibly talented fellow nail blogger) Claire at Kerruticles recently informed me that the name of the polish appears on the receipt when you buy them. An odd thing to do really, I'd rather have it on the bottle, but at least now I know - thanks Claire. 

Enjoy your week peeps, back soon x x x

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