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Why Haven't You Seen...? On FilmLandEmpire

Just a head's up to tell you that I've been writing a new series of Why Haven't You Seen...? posts for www.filmlandempire.com 

I've been struggling with my writing of late, and I needed something to kick me back into gear, so I decided to start a series for another site; something I'd have to deliver on a deadline. This series of pieces has been really invigorating for me, not least because I get to write about films that I really like. Enthusing about and recommending movies to friends is how I started writing 20 years ago, and I feel like I had lost sight of that. I like this series a lot and I'm proud of the writing that's coming out of it. Here are the entries to date, I hope you enjoy them and, if you've not yet seen the films, check them out.

As ever, any thoughts or comments are welcome here, by email to sam24fps@hotmail.com or on Twitter @24FPSUK.

Darling [2015]

Darling [2015]

Wake Wood [2011]

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