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rare Charitable Research Reserve

     Regular readers of this blog will know that both Miriam and I act as bird monitors for the rare Charitable Research Reserve in Cambridge, ON and for several weeks, spring and fall, cover the same route and take an inventory of all the birds encountered. Numerous other volunteers do the same thing on different routes and in this fashion we all contribute to the data base of avian diversity maintained by rare.
     Jenna Quinn is the Programme Scientist in charge of this operation.

     Before beginning our monitoring activity each year a meeting is convened to go over the various protocols that need to be followed, and to cover any other issues that require attention. This is done in a very collegial fashion without undue formality and the style of the agenda for our meeting reflects this!

     I should point out that the room was a little crowded when we all were seated so I never left my chair when taking these pictures so the angles were not always the best and people at either side of me and behind me were not photographed, and if a woman's hair decorates the picture above, so much the better!
     Miriam and I are very pleased to be part of this group of citizen scientists, enabling us to enjoy our passion for birds while simultaneously contributing important data to the research reserve. Often we are able to contribute to university studies being undertaken by contributing raw data which the researchers could not obtain in any other practical way, not having the time, the bodies or the finances to undertake regular counts.
     The following shots, random and in no order of preference illustrate just a few of the dedicated people who contribute to the success of this venture. Some are personal friends, all are stellar citizens of our area.

     I am sure we are all raring (pun intended) to go to get busy on another year of monitoring at rare.

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